About our commercial products
WCT wholesales high-quality compost and mulch products to local sand and soil retailers, councils and agribusiness for use in urban amenity, intensive agriculture, extensive agriculture, rehabilitation and environmental rehabilitation market segments.
All our products meet the Australian standard 4454-2012 for composts, mulches, soil conditioners and related products. Our products are consistent and of known quality, because we are committed to best practice and product testing. WCT composts are derived mainly from green waste (80%) and are not intended for use as a supplementary fertiliser (though, they may provide some nutrient benefit). Compost products can be used for a number of different purposes. WCT composts increase soil organic matter and improve soil structure, increase water-holding capacity and soil moisture content, and reduce weed growth.
WCT has developed a high-value composted soil conditioner for use in:
- Urban amenity, including residential and commercial landscaping, retail nursery, special projects (such as highway verges)
- Intensive agriculture, including viticulture, vegetable production, fruit and orchards, turf production, nursery production and wholesaling
- Rehabilitation, including landfill rehabilitation, erosion stabilisation, land reclamation, restoration, revegetation and rectification.
Because we leave our compost in the tunnels to mature for 6 weeks after pasteurisation, the particle size of our premium product is less than 14mm and unlikely to reduce further. It is suitable for most agricultural applications, as well as urban amenity use. We also produce a coarser product in smaller quantities with a particle size between 14mm and 40mm.
To find out more about which of our products is right for your use, to enquire about bulk product or wholesalers:
Where to find it
Western Composting Technologies is stocked at the below addresses.
Adornato Sand and Gravel Supplies Pty Ltd
420 Numurkah Road,
Telephone: (03) 5831 3002
Fax: (03) 5830 1981

A One Landscaping Supplies
7984 Melbourne Road
Shepparton, Victoria 3631
Telephone: (03) 5823 2076
Website: https://www.aonelandscapingsupplies.com.au/