Partnering with local government
At WCT, we leverage access to proven overseas waste treatment and disposal technologies and our proven track record (including successfully delivered prior contracts) in providing waste treatment and disposal services.
With up to 70% of solid waste generated by households and businesses estimated to be organic material, local governments have huge opportunities and incentives to outsource the building of new waste treatment facilities, and the treatment and processing of organic waste.
For many local councils, particularly councils in rural and regional areas who operate their own landfills, outsourcing alternative waste treatment to a specialist partner like WCT will:
- Free-up future landfill space
- Reduce costs of rehabilitation and remediation of landfill sites
- Avoid the need to install expensive landfill gas capture technology in new landfill cells
- Help meet diversion targets set by state governments
- Build solid environmental relationships with councils and local ratepayers.
What we do for Local Government
WCT builds, owns or operates alternative waste treatment facilities in Australia. Our waste treatment technologies include windrow, aerated static pile, in-vessel (tunnel) composting and anaerobic digestion (wet and dry).
We can also tender for kerbside collection contracts through upstream ownership links with businesses involved in the collection of waste from households and the commercial sector. This vertical integration benefits local government:
- Directly, by increasing economies of scale and improving contamination management
- Indirectly, by increasing waste throughput as needed for a commercially viable operation
- Additionally, by providing real-time data to councils for education and marketing programs that may be required.

Meeting and beating the standards
Selecting the right alternative waste treatment technology is less important than evaluating how well a specific alternative waste treatment facility is operated.
At WCT, we know that government contracts (particularly long-term contracts) and building of new waste treatment facilities are only awarded or approved when government legislation, regulations and license conditions are met. WCT is the only organic waste composting operation Australia-wide with three accreditations – AS/NZS ISO9001:2008, AS/NZS 14001:2004 and AS/NZS 4801:2001. We also adhere to Australian standard 4454, which requires us to send compost samples to a laboratory for contamination and pathogens testing. This ensures that the WCT product is safe and free of threats to the community and environment such as botulism, weed outbreaks or plant diseases.